Hoekstra Votes for Bill to Prevent Disruptions at Military Funerals

Date: May 9, 2006
Location: Washington, DC

Hoekstra Votes for Bill to Prevent Disruptions at Military Funerals

Hoekstra: ‘Harassing military funerals shatters any standard of decency'

U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Holland, today voted for legislation that ensures American troops who sacrificed their lives in service to their country can be buried peacefully and with dignity.

"The bill passed by the House is an appropriate legislative remedy to protesters at military funerals, but a more effective way to address the issue is to respond in a manner similar to that of a West Michigan community last week," Hoekstra said. "Some 300 to 400 people lined the streets to honor a fallen soldier in a tribute that far more accurately represented the values of America and left the four or five protesters irrelevant."

The Respect for America's Fallen Heroes Act (H.R. 5037) would prevent the disruption of military funerals at cemeteries under control of the National Cemetery Administration and Arlington National Cemetery, and it would prohibit protesters from encroaching within 500 feet of mourners during such a funeral.

"The funeral and burial of a fallen service member is a sacred ceremony," Hoekstra said. "Harassing a military funeral shatters any standard of decency, and it is embarrassing to think that legislation to regulate such activity is even necessary."

